What happened to February?

Lately time seems to lurch and lag like a student driver trying to master consistent acceleration. I have lots of time in my under-booked retirement, but still it slips away. Suddenly a month is gone and I’m not sure where it went. Days turn into weeks, and our home routine becomes a rut. Maybe with this past weekend’s annual launch of Daylight Saving Time and its longer days I will get my slow car in gear and punch up my productivity.

almost finished hostess gift

I read some good books and did some painting and embroidery last month, so it wasn’t a wash. But I did notice my calendar was depressingly short of excitement. Anticipation is ramping up now, however, and providing more fun tasks. The 2020 Covid-cancelled trip to the UK is back for this May, and Cathy and I are happily planning our adventure. We’ve sorted the flights, hotels, trains, and tours and are busy making hostess gifts and figuring out appropriate clothes. My biggest challenge: buying walking shoes for my problem feet. Amazon offers a wonderful solution with “Try Before You Buy” and I’ve spent way too many hours online-searching tennis shoes! Shoe shopping in stores is hard because you can’t tell in three minutes whether appearance (“what a cool color!”) is trumping comfort. So far I’ve returned eight pairs at our local Whole Foods that didn’t quite work, but I’m hopeful the latest candidate (in periwinkle blue!!) is the ticket!!

An unexpected highlight of my quiet life in 2024 is the slow blossoming of Paola’s Christmas gift, an amaryllis bulb. Coated in bright red wax, all that it requires is sun and time to grow a stalk, buds, and then fabulous red flowers with white centers. The first was the slowest to open, then more and more unfurled such beauty that I’ve taken many photos and painted a couple versions, in oils and in watercolors. This particular coloration is called Minerva Amaryllis, sporting glorious goddess finery. Yes, I appreciate the little things in life!

One comment

  1. cathytyler · March 11

    Gorgeous amaryllis! I have the bag of my bulbs sitting next to me – maybe your post with get me motivated to pot them up! Love the periwinkle kicks – they’ll match your raincoat!

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