Hairy Anniversary

I cut my own hair, and sometimes it comes out great and sometimes not so much. As I tell friends, there is usually one day between trims when it looks just right. Today is the day, and par for the course, I’ve got nowhere to go! It’s a gray cold day in SoCal (the humidity improves my do) and the only thing on my calendar is getting a leaky tire checked. Doubtful the Firestone team notices old lady hair!!

Today is big on the calendar not for good hair, but for a hairy anniversary: 30 years since the 1994 Northridge earthquake!! We were shaken awake on that fateful night, with our recently-added second story swaying and things crashing throughout the house. First reaction was to grab our young daughters and gather downstairs, but we couldn’t find the 9-year-old big sister in her room! Her bookcase was overturned and fear clutched us until we remembered she was sleeping over at a friend’s!! Telephones weren’t working so we jumped in the car and drove the four miles in pitch dark with no street lights or traffic signals. We passed several police cars cruising slowly, checking the freeway underpasses, an eery sight. The sleep-over kids were excited and scared, and we brought our girl home to a structurally intact but topsy-turvy house. We lived on a north-south street – Coldwater Canyon – and when the waves of force hit the mountains and bounced back, most houses’ chimneys broke and everything we owned was thrown to the floor. The kitchen cupboards spewed plates and glasses, the refrigerator disgorged jars and groceries. Our massive TV – remember the giant sets before flat-screens?? – was face down on the carpet. But being campers, we bundled up and found our Coleman propane stove and heated water in the yard for our friends visiting from Finland. Their hotel across the street was also a mess and they were very shaken up, but they’ve enjoyed telling tales of the Big One ever since!

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