Sweeping out…

While sweeping backyard leaves and berries this New Year’s Day, I suddenly recalled a childhood memory. When I was four or five, I loved to sweep and even threw dirt on our cement skirting so that I could wield Mama’s big broom. Maybe this foreshadowed a particular personality trait. I’ve always felt an urge to straighten up, and take satisfaction in visible results. Daddy required us kids to contribute to family operations – weekly chores and nightly dishwashing – so that work ethic is deeply engrained. Clutter still happens – don’t look in my studio!! – but it feels good to get organized. I need a neat environment or my mind feels scrambled! And January first calls forth that “fresh start” instinct.

Day one of a new 12 months always stimulates my creative juices. I think about what art projects inspire me, what I’d like to make and learn. This fall I tried oil paints again which I’d avoided since college. I’m enjoying the different process and effects, and will keep practicing this winter. And I enjoy writing haiku and blog posts, so maybe I’ll focus more energy on words this new year. Reading books is my favorite escape, and discovering a well-expressed thought or getting to know a character feels almost miraculous: letters make words make sentences make mental images = ideas!

So Happy New Year and may 2024 bring a creative, productive, well-swept fresh start!